

Caritas Diocese of Salford, Cornerstone Day Centre - Mural Art with Adults

Working with adults, taking ownership of a communal area, on the theme of ‘food’.


Public Engagement - Zine Workshop. European Delirium Association Conference 2023

Delivering a workshop at University of Birmingham, on the topic of delirium as part of the European Delirium Association conference 2023.

Working with Medical Professionals with various experiences of delirium, personally or professionally and using creative exploration to capture thoughts, feelings and reflections in the form of Zines.


Delirium Voices Zine - Sharing Lived Experiences of Delirium.

Working with Oldham Libraries and Dementia United, part of Greater Manchester’s Integrated Care Partnership - in delivery of a zine work shop where individuals shared their lived experiences of delirium in creating zines.

Dementia United Website

Delirium Awareness Zine

Creation of a Zine on Zine Making Tips, on 5 tips to delivering a zine making workshop.

Drawing and Story Club - Moss Side Powerhouse Library

Working with children and young people for a series of sessions, on creating characters and designing worlds, in the creation of their own stories.

Children created stories of time travel, black holes and space expeditions and showcased their creations for the library and visitors to see.


Coventry Biennial – Potluck Lunch: Objects + Rituals Meets a Safe Space

‘In this workshop, SAN Greater Manchester Co-Leads Nathan Frost and Emma Long will briefly touch on the concept of ‘Material Citizenship’ in particular the importance of object-person relations developed by Dr Kellyn Lee, chartered psychologist and research fellow in ageing and dementia at the University of Southampton.

Participants will be invited to creatively contribute to a series of ‘mini’ rooms to collectively create a safe shared space using various art and everyday materials. They are also invited to bring along a significant object to share the story behind it and the role it plays in their daily ritual.’

Coventry Biennial